First Step:
Preparation is the first step to treating bed bug infestations.
Fulfilling each preparation requirement will ensure safety and accuracy of treatment.
Fourth Step:
The Pro technicians will use a non toxic insecticide dust powder and apply to any areas necessary. (Bed frames, couches, cracks/crevices)
Second Step:
Evacuation of the premise.
To ensure the safety of yourself as well as the technicians you must evacuate for approx. 3-6 hours. In a case of elderly, pregnancy, or medical issue up to 24 hours.
Fifth Step:
The Pro technicians will use a residual insecticide spray and apply it to all areas of possible activity. Dressers, electrical outlets, nightstand, bed frames, perimeter (baseboards, window/door frames).
Any Questions?
Third Step:
The Pro technicians will begin treating for bed bugs.
All mattress, box springs, bed frames, and couches will be thoroughly vacuumed and high temp (130C) steamed.
Disinfecting and killing all active bed bugs/larvae (eggs).
Sixth Step:
The Pro technicians must do a follow up treatment, 10-21 days after the initial treatment.
We will do the exact same procedure we did initially.
Seventh Step:
After treatments it is important to continue monitoring for any bed bug activity.
We recommend to vacuum mattress, box spring, encasement', and bed frames once a week for the first month then once a month for a year. This will help to monitor and control any possible occurrence.